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Walden University Psychology  
IRB #11-28-22-0445758

Clubhouse and IPS Outcomes in Terms of Recruitment, Retention, and Workplace Stress

A research study about employment outcomes for two programs: Clubhouse and Individualized Placement and Support (IPS)

You are invited to participate in a research study of which program – Clubhouse or Individualized Placement and Support (IPS) – provides better employment outcomes for individuals who have a persistent mental illness. This study is being conducted by Daniel Reynolds for his Walden University dissertation and is open to individuals who
are age 18 or older, have a persistent mental illness, have the competency to live on their own without guardianship, and are working in the United States, have participated in either program. Following some questions about your demographic information, you will be asked to complete four brief surveys regarding your employment experiences. To participate in the research study, please start the survey by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B2CSPKN

Register for this Study

To register for this study, please provide contact and demographic information then answer the eligibility questionnaire . Your gender and birthday are required to determine eligibility for this study. The researcher will be provided with an approximate age (in years).

Briefly describe the reason you are interested in this study and why you believe you are eligible to participate.

1. What is your age?


2. Do you have a persistent mental illness?


3. Do you participate, or have you participated in, one of these programs?


4. Do you have the competency to live on your own without guardianship?


5. Are you working in the United States?

Your password must contain:
6 or more characters
Upper and lowercase letters
At least one number