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Walden University Psychology  
IRB # 05-18-23-1003781

Studying older adult college students who were learning at a traditional college/university (Face-to Face), then transitioned to distance learning modes while still being a college/university student, at the time of quarantine or the pandemic.

A research study on older adults who were students in a higher education institution during the pandemic, who transitioned to distance learning modes.

My name is Naeemah, and I am a Ph.D. student in a Psychology program at Walden University. I am conducting a research study on older adults who were students in a higher education institution during the pandemic, who transitioned to distance learning modes.

- All interviews will be done over the phone and recorded, per the permission of the participant for data analysis purposes.
- At the convenience of the participant.
- Interviews will be 30-45 minutes.
- Completely confidential.
- Your participation will be greatly appreciated!

Compensation and Expectations

You will be compensated with a monetary gift of $10 upon completing the interview
Studying older adult college students who were learning at a traditional college/university (Face-to Face), then transitioned to distance learning modes while still being a college/university student, at the time of quarantine or the pandemic.

Register for this Study

To register for this study, please provide contact and demographic information then answer the eligibility questionnaire . Your gender and birthday are required to determine eligibility for this study. The researcher will be provided with an approximate age (in years).

Briefly describe the reason you are interested in this study and why you believe you are eligible to participate.

1. Were you a student at a traditional (Face-to-Face learning) college or university during the quarantine/COVID-19 Pandemic?


2. Did you transition from face-to-face learning to distance learning (Online Learning) due to quarantine/Covid-19 Pandemic?


3. Are you between 31 and 68 years of age, while also being an adult student?

Your password must contain:
6 or more characters
Upper and lowercase letters
At least one number