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Walden University Psychology  

Aging Faculty

A research study that examines how continuing to be an online faculty member affects the aging process

How does continuing to be an online faculty member affect the aging process (e.g., feelings about retirement, aging, technology and cognition)? If you are a faculty member teaching online at a college or university and over the age of 50, you are invited to participate in an 20-30 online survey examining these issues.

Compensation and Expectations

$10 Starbucks gift card
Aging Faculty

Register for this Study

To register for this study, please provide contact and demographic information then answer the eligibility questionnaire . Your gender and birthday are required to determine eligibility for this study. The researcher will be provided with an approximate age (in years).

Briefly describe the reason you are interested in this study and why you believe you are eligible to participate.

1. How old are you?


2. Are you a faculty member?

Your password must contain:
6 or more characters
Upper and lowercase letters
At least one number